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PostLoader 3.59.0 —> 3.59.1 —> 3.59.2

Wii, Wii: Update

stfour hat den PostLoader auf Version 3.59.0 aktualisiert. Gerade eben wurde Version 3.59.1 aktualisiert. Und nun wurde auch Version 3.59.2 released.




postLoader 3.59.2

* nandbooter mooved again a little upper as apploader mode was broken

* nandemu scanner now skip hbc and postloader channel (POST)

* priibootergui is now in the apps folder with it’s xml-<no_ios_reload/>. This is need by priiloader > 0.8 to enable AHPBROT. Once installed it can be deleted

* <no_ios_reload/> added to postloader’s xml

* some minor changes

* readmii.txt updated to v.1.6

 postLoader 3.59.1

* Fixed a bug that was preventing postloader to browse real nand if ios249 is used (this heppens it AHPBROT flag is not available)

* added to xml file , it is required if executed from HBC


  • Removed debug output for nandbooter (emulation nand), now is much more faster and nicer. If an error occours, a log file is written to sd
  • nandbooter moved to 0x81330000
  • nandbooter: huge code cleanup
  • Corrected a bug where selected homebrew icon can be partially overlapped by other icons
  • homebrew application version is now displayed
  • Almost totally rewritten postloader channels/nandemu routines
  • postLoader need no more to reload 249 to refresh channel cache for emunand (and it is faster)
  • channels filter menu is now on two columns
  • fix an issue with some themes
  • fixed the xml (thx joostinOnline)

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