stfour hat den PostLoader auf Version 3.50.1 aktualisiert.
postLoader 3.50.1
* Corrected some issue with GRRLIB video initializiation
* Added priibooterGUI 0.2
* postLoader when executed from priibooter(GUI) do not show more the device initialization screen (it assumes that they are already init)
priibooterGUI notes:
* can load it’s own background png from ://ploader/priibooter.png
* backround if faded-in for about 5 second during usb init. If usb is already initialized fade-in will take 3 second. During this time you can interrupt and show boot menu pressing any key
* the boot menu allow to select postLoader/neek/sm/hbc. The selection can be saved or just used one time
* uses the same postloader’s themes for menu.