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postLoader v3.57.5

Wii, Wii: Update

stfour hat im PostLoader Bugs gefixt und neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.





postLoader 3.57.5

* Corrected a bug in some debug message that could lead to a c. dump if logging is enabled
postLoader 3.57.4

* Added the capability to change default loader home [home]->game options->set default loader (can be very slow)
* Corrected some menu options
* Corrected gamebrowser top title
* Some code clean
postLoader 3.57.3

* Added support for GC D-Pad (thx traitor)
* Corrected a bug in homebrew browser pagenum (thx traitor)
* Incremented debug output for dml operation
* DML: Removed call to setstreaming (thx FIX94)
postLoader 3.57.2

* Corrected a bug in GRRLIB when inverting a texture
* Added hourglass animation when reading game configuration
* dml: games on sd are displayed first

postLoader 3.57.1

* Updated readmii.txt to version 1.5 with latest changes
* wiimote key (1) now is "go to page…". D-Pad (LF) homebrew, (RG) channels, (UP) WII games, (DW) GC Games
* Added messages when "intensive" operation are performed
* When possibile bigger font are used.
* priibooter console no more in distribution
* added "wii theme" to the default distribution
* also the splash screen is installed if it is present in the theme
* Now name sorting is case insensitive
* Optimized a bit the keep usb live funcion
* Keep usb live is now called in the screensaver
* dml scanner function was failing if no usb hdd is attached
* Adjusted a lot of thing about themes. Themes must be updated to package 2.1
* Code clean and some bug fix in code

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