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PostLoader v4 b26

Wii, Wii: Update

stfour hat den PostLoader aktualisiert.

[dl url="https://static.wiidatabase.de/PostLoader.zip" title="Download" desc="PostLoader"]



postLoader 4.b26

* fixed .conf corruption caused by recently changes in cfg library. postLoader
should be able to recover actual corrupted files. Otherwise delete any *.conf
and channels.* from /ploader folder

postLoader 4.b25

* fixed channels sorting/hiding
* fixed crash with more than 1500 emu
* fixed jump to page (now if there are more then 100 pages, page selection is
every 5)
* covercache semaphores are now volatile. Hoping in no more casual hangs
* (B) should now interrupt USB mounting
* Changed "WII menu" button to "Exit..". Now you can exit to 1) system menu, 2)
homebrew channel, 3 shutdown. Button need to be moved to right… next rel…
* Neek button will now ask the method: 1) direct (for neek2o, no sd required),
2) IOS254 (bootmii/neek sd required)
* Added "change default ciosx" to channel mode
* Added support for DM. Press [HOME]->Gamecube Mode: DM 2.x
* plugins.conf parsing is complete. You should be able to add any plugin from
wiiflow (thx FIX94) and configure it for postloader. Plugin must be copied in
* speedup on wiiload deinit
* priibooterGUI 2.8: should now save correctly nands folders information
(required by postloader for old mode nand changer)



postLoader 4.b24

* fixed a memory leak when browsing emulators
* added some debug messages during emu scanning
* corrected snes section of plugins.conf

postLoader 4.b23

* DML: both fst and iso are supported correctly

postLoader 4.b22

* Fixed execution of settingEditor GUI and wiimod when one of them is missing
* Corrected sort order for DML
* Now DLM works with v. 1.5 (thx to FIX94:dios-mios-booter)
* Added a debug message to nandBooter

postLoader 4.b21

* nandBooter 2.3: applyed the previous patch in the right way
* Corrected a crash if no plugins.conf file is found in emulators


postLoader 4.b20

* enabling console in nandBooter debug mode has solved the issue on channel
execution (thx AbdallahTerro for testing)


postLoader 4.b19

* nandbooter: If fails something it will try to write log to sd
* nandbooter: corrected a possible bug on nand mount


postLoader 4.b18

* recompiled nandbooter
* corrected wiiload thread stop


postLoader 4.b17

* added some debug message
* corrected a bug on device unmount
* added initial support for plugin configuration file (now required for


postLoader 4.b16

* corrected a memory corruption that could occurs when booting channels

Quelle: PostLoader.GoogleCode.com

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