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Schlagwort: szw

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.41a r6469

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


Die Änderungen könnt ihr im Changelog nachlesen.

 - Bug fix: wstrt patch --region: Changing the region in a staticr.rel file was internally not registered as modification with the result, that the patched file was not rewritten.
 - New option for wkmpt DRAW: --png=geometry: A PNG with a top view of the world is created instead of an OBJ file. Use rotation to view into other directions. This is very slow.
 - Internal sub-file database: Files "posteffect.bblm", "posteffect.bdof" and "VolcanoPiece*.*" are now marked as 'optional'. The new classification suppresses "Missing file:" warnings on checks.