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Wiimms SZS Tools v0.42a

Wii, Wii: Update

Wiimm hat seine SZS Tools aktualisiert.


Download auf szs.wiimm.de


szs v0.42a r3927 – 2012-07-06

 - Linux+Mac: The math library is now included explicitly to avoid a linking
   failure on some systems.

 - Bug fix: Assigning values to private macro variables has overwritten
   existing variables in the standard or global namespace.

 - New parser command: '@PARAM': Define a parameter name list for macro and
   function calls.

 - 'ROUTE-ITEMBOX' replaced by a more flexible 'ROUTE-OBJECT'.

 - New command: wkmpt COBJECT: Create an OBJ file: Load the related KCL and
   add new faces representing the KMP elements are added. Enemy, item, check
   and respawn points and cannon destinations are supported at the moment.
   Option --draw=list decides which elements are included into the OBJ file.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/cobject for more details.

 - New parser functions: mean(), dir(), xDir(), yDir(), zDir(), rot(), xRot()
   yRot(), zRot(), axisRot(), tri$createCuboid(), tri$createJoist(),
   tri$createPrism() and tri$createPyramid(). The tri$create*() functions are
   internally used to add KMP objects to the OBJ file.

 - New KCL creating parameter: KCL_BLOW: If calculating the overlay between
   cubes and triangles, the cubes are blowed up by the some units, so that a
   triangle may be visible in a neighbor cube. This avoids unexpected rarely
   effects like bike hopping. The default value is 400.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/kcl#KCL_BLOW for more info.
    * If you have created a KCL with a previous version of my tools, use this
      command to create a new octree: 
	     wkclt encode course.kcl --kcl drop,new --overwrite
      The file 'course.kcl' will be overwritten with a repaired version.

Quelle: SZS.Wiimm.de

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