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Configurable USB-Loader Mod r31 und Yabause Wii Unofficial r2888 beta25

Wii, Wii: Update

R2-D2199 hat den Configurable USB-Loader Mod auf r31 aktualisiert. Und das Yabause Team hat den SEGA Saturn Emulator "Yabause Wii" auf die Version Unofficial r2888 beta25 aktualisiert.

Download CFG-Mod

Download Yabause Wii

Changelog CFG-Mod:


-added support for dml games compressed with GCReEx
-added booting retail discs with DML installed
-added working video mode options to dml, if you set
it to 480p it will use the progressive patch by default

Changelog Yabause Wii:


ver. Unofficial r2888 beta25 – May 3, 2012

  • based on the original yabause r2888
  • some minor fixes and changes

Quelle: Googlecode, WiiBrew


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