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Lunar Magic v2.11

Wii: Update , ,

FuSoYa hat den Super Mario World Level-Editor aktualisiert!


This version of Lunar Magic fixes a couple of minor issues in the new 8×8 tile selector for the overworld editor. For a complete list of changes, check the "What’s New" section of the help file.

Dies haben wir dann auch getan:

Version 2.11 February 9, 2013

-fixed an issue in the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where it
wouldn’t show the correct colors for title screen or credits editing.
Thanks goes out to Zeldara109 for pointing this out.
-fixed an issue in the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where the
overworld controls did not enable the save button when used. Thanks
goes out to Zeldara109 for pointing this out.
-made an adjustment to the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where it
will paste tiles with priority enabled by default for title screen
and credits editing, at Zeldara109’s suggestion.
-changed the "Modify Secondary Entrances" dialog, so that changes to
the current entry aren’t lost when you switch which entrance you
want to edit.
-added a "Clear Slot" button and a "Clear All Slots" button to the
"Modify Secondary Entrances" dialog.
-added a new option when importing multiple levels from files, to
clear all existing secondary entrances in the ROM before importing.

via FuSoYa’s Niche

Lunar Magic unter Linux Mint 14 mit WINE
Lunar Magic unter Linux Mint 14 mit WINE
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