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Lunar Magic v2.52

Wii: Update ,

FuSoYa hat den Super Mario World Level-Editor aktualisiert.


Da es wirklich SEHR lange her ist, dass ich mich mit SMW-Hacks auseinandergesetzt und ein paar Mini-Mods gemacht habe, nachfolgend ein Zitat des Entwicklers:

This release of Lunar Magic has double the space for FG and BG Map16 (meant for large scale collaborations), 16x the number of secondary exits, the ability to resize objects from top/left and related corners for most objects that support it, and a few other additions and fixes. See the "What’s New" section of the help file for more info.

Do note that if you use a third party block tool type program, you shouldn’t use the new FG tiles (0x4000-0x7FFF) in LM until your program has been updated to deal with the new max.

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