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ModMii v6.0.6

Wii, Wii: Update

XFlak hat ModMii aktualisiert.


Download von ModMii.googlecode.com



  • Changed how ModMii builds d2x cIOSs. It now parses ciosmaps.xml and direcly applies all the patches listed within it. This gives davebaol more flexibility to change the patches made to the existing base IOS modules. This change was necessary to support future d2x v9+ betas.
  • Updated d2x-beta-md5-updater.bat, mainly used by davebaol to facilitate d2x beta distributions, to be 33% faster.
  • Added Casper2BootMii.bat to ModMii’s Support folder. Users can run this file in order to set up their SD card to be able to load bootmii on virgin Wii’s using Casper.
  • Other Minor Changes.

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