Da ein gepatchtes IOS31 für RiiConnect24 nicht mehr benötigt wird, wurde die Nachfrage, ob dieses bestehen bleiben soll, beim SysCheck-Updater entfernt. Zudem prüft dieser jetzt auch, ob das BC in Version 6 vorliegt und einige cIOS-Slots werden nicht mehr optional gestubbt. Weitere Bugfixes bezüglich des SysCheck-Logs könnt ihr im Changelog nachlesen.
* Removed prompt to retain patched IOS31 if detected in SysChecks as it is no longer required for RiiConnect24. * SysCheck updater now also checks to make sure BC is v6. * Removed the following whitelisted slots from suggesting they optionally be stubbed in the SysCheck updater wizard (236,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247). * Fix for IOSs that were skipped by SysCheck. Previously if "IOS249: Skipped" (for example) was contained in a SysCheck, ModMii suggested installing both the recommended cIOS249 as well as a stub IOS249, but ModMii appropriately never actually constructed a stub IOS249. * Fixed SysCheck updater MIOS issue where a stock MIOS v10 was not installed when "MIOS v10 (DIOS MIOS Lite)" was listed in syschecks (and cMIOS option disabled). * Other minor changes, including references to Fakemote as well as updating wii.guide links to wii.hacks.guide (or archived links where no replacement exists yet).