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NKit v1.3

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,


NKit repariert GameCube- und Wii-Spiele-Abbilder und kann sie für Dolphin verkleinern. Nicht empfohlen.

Das Konvertieren einer NKit-ISO in eine NKit-GCZ funktioniert wieder und Fehler beim Verifizieren wurden behoben. Bei Pfaden wird außerdem das Home-Verzeichnis des Benutzers vorab eingefügt. Mehr Änderungen findet ihr unten im Changelog.


- Added RVT-H Detection. This is not currently supported - An error is thrown and logged
- Fixed NkitReencode. It was always reencoding and not copying the NKit file when converting nkit.iso <-> nkit.gcz
- Fixed Verify not outputting any log detail messages e.g. When a removed Update Partition is required to verify and was not present - no message was output, it just failed
- Moved the SummaryLog to the Processed folder rather than the app folder to make it more obvious
- Added settings home support. ~ at the start of a Path will insert the user's home directory (all OSs)
- Revert To .Net 4.6.1 - mono wasn't handling 4.7.2 very well. The app well be ported to dotnet core 3 soon
- ProcessorApp: Added failure message to log errors (same as cmldline exe output)
- ProcessorApp: Disabled the checkbox for 'Remove and Preserve Wii Update Partitions' when Recovering or Converting to iso
- ProcessorApp: Fixed checkbox for 'Remove and Preserve Wii Update Partitions' not being set on app load
- ProcessorApp: Fixed progress .1.2.3... text alignment in the log output
- ProcessorApp: Fixed the output log being truncated when a partition ID contained a null char

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