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NUSspli Lite v1.146 -> v1.147

Wii U, Wii U: Update

NUSspli Lite

Erstklassiger WUP-Installer für die Wii U.

UPDATE, 20.03.24, 18:51 Uhr: NUSspli Lite v1.147 fixt weitere Bugs.

Ein Title-Launcher wurde hinzugefügt und einige Fehler behoben. Näheres im Changelog.


* Allow to use NUSspli in case of failed update. 0b150ea @V10lator
* Always ship newest ca-certs (from Mozilla). 560c2d9 @V10lator

* Bump ScribeMD/docker-cache from 0.3.6 to 0.3.7 76a647a @dependabot-bot
* Merge pull request #260 from V10lator/dependabot/github_actions/ScribeMD/docker-cache-0.3.7 2b4b32e @Xpl0itU
* Don't allow false positive in CFW check in case of EOM. dae23e3 @V10lator
* Don't allow false positive in CFW check in case of EOM. ed3678f @V10lator
* Don't restore unsaved memory values. bb23795 @V10lator
* Try to see which curlopt errored out in case of error. 7d8d36c @V10lator
* Utilise curl_easy_strerror() af0b4d1 @V10lator
* Bump zlib from 643e17b to 3f635df c2bbebd @dependabot-bot
* Bump zlib from 3f635df to 9f0f2d4 374e7ff @dependabot-bot
* Bump zlib from 9f0f2d4 to 5c42a23 876c58c @dependabot-bot
* Try to fix multiple input events for some 3rd party Wiimotes. 0649605 @V10lator
* Bump wiiu-env/devkitppc from 20230402 to 20231112 0f34d82 @dependabot-bot
* Link against libharfbuzz. 008df71 @V10lator
* Add in old SDL version. c3dbfb7 @V10lator
* Bump zlib from 643e17b to 5c42a23 920349d @dependabot-bot
* Revert "Try to fix multiple input events for some 3rd party Wiimotes." d6c8436 @V10lator
* Correctly allocate filesize of downloaded title.tik file. 73edc11 @V10lator
* Cleanup input reading a bit. 5743a09 @V10lator
* Higher stack size. a9952ff @V10lator
* Change NAPI URL. 35f741d @V10lator
* WIP: Add title launcher. eb76106 @V10lator
* Bump ScribeMD/docker-cache from 0.3.7 to 0.4.0 a55b8ca @dependabot-bot
* Update Brazilian Portuguese.json aeb79a0 @luissilva1044894
* Bump zlib from 5c42a23 to 99b2294 ffa36b6 @dependabot-bot
* Update last translations (credits to DeepL). 6b6d6fd @V10lator

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