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PostLoader v3.69.3

Wii, Wii: Update

stfour hat den PostLoader auf Version 3.69.3 aktualisiert.



Zum Vergleich: Die in unserer Datenbank war Version 3.67.3…


postLoader 3.69.3

* Now postloader keep different configuration files for channels for neek, realnand and emunands

* Default channel mode for neek and real nand is now "compatible mode" (WII_LaunchTitle will be used)

* neekbooter 1.3: neek2o mode for emunand now use WII_LaunchTitle. Should be no real difference from previus version, just smaller executable.


postLoader 3.69.2

* Better wbfs scan function

* Removed uid.sys scan and dump to gecko (neek2o)


postLoader 3.69.1

* More debug output informations


postLoader 3.68.5

* Recompiled with R24

* Changed network init… (unnecessary as shuld be a bug in devkit R25)


postLoader 3.68.4

– Komischerweise wurde diese Version ausgelassen 😀 –


postLoader 3.68.3

* Corrected a possible bug on free space calc. on devices

* Added double buffered threaded file copy. (see note)

* recompiled with latest devkit/ntfs portlib.

* code clean


postLoader 3.68.2

* little adjustments to dol/elf boot code

* dml: updated gc sram video modes configuration (thx FIX94)

* dml: usb ngc folder can be on any of the four fat32/ntfs (primary) partition supported by postloader

* dml: last browser page where not saved when launching game

* initial code for uid.sys managment under neek2o


postLoader 3.68.1

* fixed xml version number (thx XFlak)

* fixed hb execution via postloader channel (untested)


postLoader 3.68.0

* Corrected build number in historii.txt


postLoader 3.67.5

*Corrected internal build number

* DML: Video mode selection is back again, with more per-game options (Game/Wii/Force NTSC/Force PAL) and an option to change default setting for all games

* DI: Added debug output (to gecko and sd:/ploader.log)

* DI: Mooved entrypoint

* Added "the little ghost" icon to hidden channels/games when "show hidden items" is selected

* Finally cover cache thread should be correctly terminated


postLoader 3.67.4

*Fixed channels name for neek2o

* Maybe loaders execution is now fixed. This bug may be present for any hb launched and seems connected to cover cache thread

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