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PostLoader v4

Wii, Wii: Update

stfour hat die 4. Version des PostLoaders fertiggestellt!


postLoader 4.0.0

* fixed a crash caused by cover cache when autostarting something (thx daxtsu)

* fixed a (long) delay when stopping wiiload thread when in autostart mode

* removed "fix crash on exit" for homebrew applications

* removed "use stub" option

* added ciosx return to postloader (channel)

* fixed a buffer overflow in game browser (thx DEFIANT)

* packed with new default theme by pepxl and me. Thank pep 😉 (soon a new theme package with all featured themes) NOTE: this version will clear all configuration files (autoboot settings… etc.etc.)



postLoader 4.b42

* fixed covers for channel browser (thx daxtsu)



postLoader 4.b41

* Added support for DM2.2 (previous versions of DM are no more supported)

* Removed "DM(L): Video mode" when in devolution mode

* Devolution: added video configuration like the sample loader

* plugin.con and icons are now in the separated plugin package (actually v3)

* fixed a crash when the stub is dumped the first time

Quelle: GoogleCode

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