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RiiConnect24 Patcher v1.4.7 / v1.1.3 (Unix)

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update

Die Windows-Version nervt euch jetzt mit Sounds und die Unix-Version funktioniert nun auf Apples M1. Auch wurde das integrierte Sharpii aktualisiert.


Windows version v1.4.7
* Added sounds.
* Removed local translations that were wasting disk space and were outdated.
* Small UI bugfixes in some places.

Unix version v1.1.3
* Added Mac M1 compatible Sharpii release
* Fixed Mac compatibility
* Sharpii was updated, but the released patcher didn't reflect the update
* This went unnoticed for around a month somehow, sorry to those affected!
* Removed the beta tag from the release versions

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