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SaveGame Manager GX r123

Wii, Wii: Update

dj_skual hat den SaveGame Manager GX auf eine lustige Versionsnummer aktualisiert!




* Fixed a widescreen problem with icons in List mode ( Issue 156 )

* Fixed a problem with the Icon mode for emulated nand ( Issue 157 )

* Fixed a problem with Warning message refresh in manage windows

* Fixed bug in aif and wav decoding (thx dimok)

* Added EmuSaveWindow to manage your saves from your emulated nand path

* Added "Block Manage Emulated Nand" to Parental Control Settings Menu

* Added InstallEmu() to install saves from your emulated nand path to the real

nand (of course, the save need to already exist on the real nand)

* Added ExtractEmu() to extract saves from your emulated nand path to your

storage device

* Added fonction to install a data.bin in your emulated nand path

* Added fonction to install a save from your real nand to your emulated nand


* Added fonction to install a save from your storage device to your emulated

nand path

* Fixed Linux compile errors

* Changed font character texture to I4 which uses half as much memory (less

cache memory) (thx dimok)


* Updated libpng to 1.5.9

* Updated libjpeg to 8d

* Updated zlib to 1.2.6

* Updated libgd to SVN and make it use interlace on libpng (thx dimok)

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