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SaveGame Manager GX rev124

Wii, Wii: Update

dj_skual hat den SaveGame Manager GX aktualisiert.






* Fixed  Issue 158
* Fixed CustomPath create problem
* Fixed SearchBar for Emulated Saves Browser
* Added Fix_EmuDB() fonction to allow you to fix or create the FaceLib file
inside your emulated nand path
* Added Emulated Mii Browser to browser your miis inside your emulated nand path
* Added Emulated Mii Window to allow you to manage your miis installed inside
your emulated nand path
* Added InstallMiiToEmu() fonction to FileMiiWindow, to install a mii from
device to your emulated nand path
* Added InstallMii() fonction to MiiWindow, to install a mii from your real nand
to your emulated nand path
* Added DeleteEmuSave() fonction to EmuSaveWindow, to install a save from your
emulated nand path
* Changed ManageAll Window to add all new saves and miis emulated nand fonctions

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