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Something v0.000003

Wii: Neu

ThatOtherPerson hat das Spiel "Something", ein Spiel ohne richtigen Namen, in der Version v0.000003 released. Man steuert dort einen Roboter durch eine veränderte 3D Umgebung.



Here is yet another update to that still nameless thing I’ve been posting for roughly a week now. There are a lot of small changes. Blocks are solid now even when falling, the way legs rotate has improved, now you aim where the cursor is pointing instead of where the center of the screen is pointing, I removed the spheres that followed you, there are more things you can change by editing the settings file, etc. Mostly it’s just polish and optimization.


There is also a Wii version now.


I think I’ve figured out now what I’m actually going to make this game into.


Wii controls:

Analog stick = Move

IR pointer = Aim

C = Jump

B = Action

Left and Right = Change action

A = Change view


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