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The Homebrew Filter rev38 Final

Wii, Wii: Update

The Homebrew Filter wurde von setialpha auf Revision 38 aktualisiert.



– changes to the app-info dialog:
* DVD icon is now shown if necessary
* erase button is hidden for apps from DVD
* edit button no longer overlaps SD/USB/DVD icon (if any)
– BUGFIX: childlock is now saved when HBF exits
– BUGFIX: call ExitApp() before exiting HBF
– BUGFIX: installer no longer crashes on IOS58 due to early
controller initialization (only happened under
certain circumstances)
– BUGFIX: use waninkoko’s NAND loader in THBF channel,
rather than comex'.
* Fixes the issue that HBF does not properly
respond when power or reset button on the console
have been pressed.
* the strange bevhaviour that occured when the
USB HDD was woken up while loading HBF is gone
– BUGFIX: compiled with libpng 1.4 to fix a problem in PNG handling
– BUGFIX: return to HBF feature now works again
– installer now supports Classic-Controller
– installer now supports GameCube-Controller
– installer loads HomebrewFilter rather than returning to Systemmenu
– installer no longer invokes update-counter on hamachi-mp’s website
– add support for <force_ios_reload/> flag in meta.xml (use this, if
an application (most likely WiiMC) does not recognize your HDD)
– adopt libwiigui changes from ZERO
– BUGFIX: loading apps through wiiload works again
– support passing arguements using wiiload [obcd]
– BUGFIX: when changing network settings, the network thread is
halted or started accordingly [obcd]
– BUGFIX: only show 'launch priiloader' in external loaders prompt,
if priiloader is really installed
– HBF now supports wiiload over USB-Gecko [obcd]
– changed loading address from 0x81230000 to 0x81330000
– removed all sound related code
– support for neek2o [obcd]
– support for switching to neek2o/real NAND
* when in real NAND and neek2o files present on either SD
or the first partiton of USB HDD 'external loaders' menu
offers a 'launch neek2o' button to enter neek2o emu NAND
* when in neek2o emu NAND 'external loaders' menu offers an
'enter real NAND' button to switch back to real NAND
– only check once on startup for a new version [obcd]
– updated PNGu
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