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WiiFlow Mod r522 –> r590

Wii, Wii: Update

FIX94 hat die Modifikation des WiiFlows aktualisiert!





So yea, after two weeks here is r590, we worked hard and long on this, alot of new thigs are in it, thats why it took two weeks again. Changes to r522 are that we now have game banner support like GX, in short you see a small banner preview in the top right corner, if you click on it it zooms in. I also created a custom gamecube banner, so you have banner support in wii coverflow, gamecube coverflow and channel coverflow. WiiFlow will automatically create a cache for the games, see cache/banners folder. You can also use custom banners, just move the custom bnr files with either the game ID3 or the game ID6 into the custom_banners folder. If you enter the game setting the banner will play in fullscreen in the background, set a bit darker. You can disable that in the wiiflow.ini, banner_in_settings in GENERAL section. Second thing is WiiFlows size. You may noticed it got much bigger compared to the old rev. Thats not because of all the things we added, it is because I switched from optimize for size to optimize for speed to avoid memory corruption and slowdowns. All the things we added the two weeks take about 20kb 😉 Third thing is Devolution support, you can use it very silimar to DIOS-MIOS, just get the Devolution source package and place the loader.bin which you find in the source package into your wiiflow folder, together with the cover folder, cache folder etc. Inside wiiflow you can then set per game if you want to use Devolution or DIOS-MIOS, if you set it to default it will use DIOS-MIOS for the GCReEX games (they only work in DIOS-MIOS) and Devolution for the regular games (if Devolution bin is found, otherwise it will be booted via DIOS-MIOS as well). Also, you can now use wiiflow in your neek installation, that means you can boot wiiflow via neek and then boot your wii channels using wiiflow, that gives a great compatility compared to the d2x nand emulation. Also if you can compile, you can create a dolphin-emu compatible dol, just comment in the #define DOLPHIN line in the defines.h and compile, then you can use it in dolphin with a emulated sd card. They are also alot of other changes, like replaced all button types from u32 to u16 (takes half the space), we dont need so much space since we dont even have so much buttons, fixed bug of wiiflow not going back to the game which last was selected in plugins coverflow, added a new Home button menu, you can update wiiflow, reload cache, enter settings and other things, also in the home menu theres a ExitTo menu, to open it just click on Exit To in Home menu, fixed possible bug in memory allocation (thanks megazig for hints how to debug better), fixed IOS Reload on game loading codedump, fixed bug in network init, fixed retail and backup wii disc reading and playing, fixed emu nand codedump on ios reload as well, fixed return to wiiflow on emu nand games, added possibility to set DIOS-MIOS video patching way, video_setting in wiiflow.ini [DML] section, if set to 0 it will disable all video settings of diosmios, if set to 1 it will use the auto setting (default) and if set to 2 it will force the video mode, only enable gc streaming if we actually boot a disc, fixed bug about booting gamecube discs, and maybe some more things which I forgot to list 😛



Yesterday I was not sure if its worth to upload a new rev because we did not do that much last week, but hey its a bit more stable so why not? 😉 Changes from r506 are that the help files are updated, now its really correct, added game info synopsis and about and multichoice buttons fix (thanks miigotu), changed game info genre to display the whole genre, changed theme choice button to not display in uppercase, changed video mode options, now should be more clear what they do, fixed bug of game crashing when selecting progressive as video mode, set down mem2 which wiiflow can use, that should make it more stable, fixed bug which broke cover loading in plugin coverflow for plugins where coverFolder is not set in the ini, if AUTO is selected for IOS selection, it either uses IOS56 or IOS57 as base, because the other d2x cIOS bases got problems to work properly with wiiflow, added new pal video mode to patch for pal2ntsc patch which hopefully makes it working better, added stfour and postloader to thanks list (sorry for forgetting to add you before)

Quelle: GoogleCode

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