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Wiimms SZS Tools v0.33a

Wii, Wii: Update

Wiimm hat seine SZS Tools aktualisiert





szs v0.33a r3627 - 2012-05-02

 - Because of an update of the internal object & file database, redo the
   command "wszst AUTOADD ./path_to/Race/Course/" to add more files to the
   autoadd database -> see http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/autoadd for more info.

 - wszst CHECK: Detect "optional files".

 - KMP: New command '@HSNAP-TO-ENPT' is similar to '@SNAP-TO-ENPT', but
   ignoring the vertical value of the enemy points.

 - The text parser supports 5 kinds of nested loops (EXPERIMENTAL):
     @LOOP    ... @ENDLOOP   : umlimted loop
     @REPEAT  ... @ENDREPEAT : loop with a predefined repeat count
     @FOR     ... @ENDFOR    : classical 'for' with iterator variable
     @FOREACH ... @ENDEACH   : for each element in list
     @WHILE   ... @ENDWHILE  : classical 'while' with condition
   There are also conditional @BREAK and @CONTINUE.

 - The KMP syntax and semantics documentation is now online available:
    -> http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/kmp/syntax
   The inline documentation in decoded KMP files is now much shorter.

 - Command SYNTAX removed. Use page http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/syntax instead.

 - The backtracking algorithm for analyzing of CKPH + ENPH + ITPH pathes has
   been modified and optimized, because a test version of "Toad's Turnpike"
   has 105 ITPH groups and needs much to much steps and time to calculate
   about 10^28 pathes total.


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