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Wiimms SZS Tools v0.36a

Wii, Wii: Update

Wiimm hat seine SZS Tools aktualisiert.





szs v0.36a r3720 - 2012-05-28

 - If the tools 'wkmpt' or 'wkclt' opens a SZS file, they use the internal
   files 'course.kmp' or 'course.kcl' as source.

 - New command: wszst KCL: Open the sub file @course.kcl@, decode and print it.

 - KCL object exporter improved.

 - New command: wkclt DUMP: Dumps the raw KCL records in human readable format.

 - New command: wkclt OCTREE: Traverse and test the octree by using the entered
   points. Logging of steps and triangles is controlled by --long and --brief.

 - wkclt ENCODE: Import an OBJ file and create a new KCL from scratch. The
   internal octree generator works fine and can be controlled by different
   constants. See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/kcl#encode for more details.

 - If a KCL obj file with name NAME.EXT is scanned, a file name NAME.flag.txt
   is scanned to find relations between group names and flags.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/kcl#def-flag for more details.

 - Read the new KCL export and import How-To: http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/kcl


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