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NUSGet v1.3.0

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,


Moderne, plattformunabhängige Alternative zum NUS Downloader mit dem sich kinderleicht IOS, Kanäle und Systemmenüs legal vom Nintendo-Server laden lassen.

Neu in dieser Version sind die JSON-basierten Skripte, die die alten ablösen. Ein Beispiel-Skript kann auf GitHub gefunden werden. Die Titel in den Skripten müssen auch nicht mehr zwingend in der Datenbank existieren und das Fehlerhandling ist robuster.

NUSGet zeigt nun alle WiiWare- und VC-Titel an, die auf WiiBrew gelistet sind – allerdings lassen sich diese natürlich nicht packen, da kein Ticket vorhanden ist (und es wäre sowieso illegal). Zudem wurde die Performance für die Titel-Datenbank verbessert und eine Suchfunktion hinzugefügt. Auch die Labels der Checkboxen sind wieder anklickbar.

Der Downloads-Ordner wurde auf "NUSGet Downloads" geändert, um Problemen mit der Linux-Binary vorzubeugen, wenn sie aus dem Downloads-Ordner ausgeführt wurde. In Zukunft wird sich der Ordner selbst ändern lassen.


* Support for a new JSON-based script format has been added! This format makes it much easier to keep track of what titles and versions are being downloaded, and allows for mixing Wii, vWii, and DSi titles with an optional Console: key. You can look at example-script.json in the root of the repository as an example of how these new scripts should be formatted.
* Titles in scripts no longer have to exist in the database.
* Script error handling is now more robust. Scripts will now continue even when errors are hit, and a summary of issues encountered will be displayed at the end of the downloads.
* Support for the NUSD script format, introduced in v1.2.0 as a stopgap, has been entirely removed due to the introduction of the new format.
* All WiiWare and Virtual Console titles (at least those listed on WiiBrew) are now present in the database! Note that because these titles are not free, you will only be able to download their TMDs and encrypted contents, as there are no Tickets available for them on the NUS.
* The backend for the title database tree has been entirely rewritten! This should increase performance, and also resolves some visual issues that were a result of the previous system.
* A search bar has been added above the title tree, allowing you to filter the titles shown. This should make finding a particular title in the tree much faster.
* Clicking the labels next to the checkboxes now toggles the checkboxes again (this was not the case in v1.2.0 due to a change in how the labels were included in the UI).
* Titles will now be downloaded to a folder named NUSGet Downloads instead of NUSGet. This folder will still be inside of your local downloads folder. Proper support for choosing a download location will be added in the future, but for now this resolves the issue where the binary NUSGet conflicts with the directory NUSGet when running the application from within your downloads folder on Linux.

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