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Wiimms SZS Tools v0.41a

Wii, Wii: Update

Wiimm hat seine SZS Tools aktualisiert.


[dl url="http://szs.wiimm.de/download.html#vers-v0.41a" title="Download" desc="Wiimms SZS Tools – Aktuell"]



szs v0.41a r3866 – 2012-06-24 – Bug fix: The triangle split of a face with exact 4 verteces fails in 50% of all cases (bad optimization). – Bug fix: The parser expression "a?b:c" fails, if the operators not followed by a blank. – Bug fix for some parser functions. – Using a KCL for defining KMP positions: Now it is possible to set a point anywhere and let it fall down until a collision. This is a very good function to place global objects and other points of the KMP. This internal KCL-FALL is available for the user in different stages: – Command "wkclt FALL source point…" for testing. – Parser functions kcl$fall() and kcl$fallFlag() for scripts. – Automatic adjusting of KMP points and objects in the sections CNPT, ENPT, GOBJ, ITPT, JGPT, KTPT, MSPT and POTI.

Quelle: SZS.Wiimm.de

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