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Wiimms SZS Tools v1.03a r4002

Wii, Wii: Update

Wiimm hat seine SZS Tools aktualisiert!

Download von SZS.Wiimm.de

– New global option: –force: The tools analyse input files and reject files with invalid data structures. If –force is set, little repairable issues are ignored or repaired and a warning is printed. >>> THE RESULT MAY BE INVALID OUTPUT FILES!

– Option –kcl: If no 'DROP*' mode is set, the tools drops automatically all bad triangles. For an existing octree, it is only 'DROP-UNUSED'.

– Option –kcl: Correct handling, if 'DROP-UNUSED' and 'NEW' are set togehter.

– wszst MINIMAP –auto: The Y-translation is also calculated to make very high faces visible.


Quelle: SZS.Wiimm.de

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