joel16 hat 3DShell aktualisiert.
Das Update-Menü unterstützt nun Touch-Eingaben und der Musikplayer lässt sich sperren, wenn der START-Knopf gedrückt wird, was das Skippen des aktuellen Musiktitels mit L/R verhindert, wenn der 3DS zugeklappt wird. Der obere Bildschirm wird im FTP-Modus ausgeschaltet, um Akku zu sparen und einige Fehler wurden ausgemerzt. Näheres im Changelog.
* Added touch controls in update menu. * Added music lock toggle using the Start button. (Prevent skipping with L/R buttons when the lid is closed) * Properly return to previous directory instead of first entry if you press B and the selector is > 5. * WiFi icons are back! * Power off top screen back-light during FTP mode to save battery. * Finally fixed UTF-16 file names and paths. (Now works fine with accented characters/symbols) * Fixed milestone updates not being integrated properly. (Should work fine for the next official release builds) * Fixed crash when trying to use the Keyboard (rename/new folder/search). * Fixed the progress bar colour in dark theme mode. * Get album list just once instead of multiple times to avoid random crashes due to multiple calls in a short period of time. * Fix issue with audio decrementing when shuffle is on. * Fix 'freeze' when WiFi is not enabled.