dj_skual und giantpune haben den SaveGame Manager GX auf Revision 117 aktualisiert.
Changelog r117
* Added Data.bin extraction (official nintendo format) from nand to storage device only if the app
is running under real nand.
* Added custom path to selected where must be extracted your data.bin by default
* Added Keys class to find some Wii keys
* Changed the animation behavior of icons (thanks antidote)
* Some little changes in fileops, DirList and IosLoader::GetIosInfo()
* Fixed false loading of custom dip module on d2x cIOS (thx dimok)
* Converted all ogg sounds from 44.1 khz to 48 khz (thx dimok)
* Fixed bad memory deallocation in data.bin fonctions to avoid corrupted datas
* Added libseeprom (a library that provides filesystem access to the Wii’s SEEPROM)
* Added libotp (a library that provides filesystem access to the Wii’s OTP)
* Updated libext2fs to 1.0.4 r19