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Anemone3DS v2.1.0 Beta

3DS, 3DS: Update ,

astronautlevel2 hat den Theme-Manager "Anemone3DS" aktualisiert.


Mit Anemone3DS lassen sich Custom-Themes, Marken und Luma3DS-Splashscreens herunterladen und installieren.

Wer von einer alten Version aktualisiert, sollte diese zuerst deinstallieren, da die neue eine neue TitleID hat und die alte bereits von dem Spiel "Naruto SD Powerful Shippuden" benutzt wird. Der QR-Code-Scanner wurde deutlich verbessert und ist jetzt sehr viel schneller! Auch beschleunigt wurde die Theme-Preview, da nicht mehr gewartet wird, bis die Hintergrundmusik geladen wird. Zu guter Letzt wurden noch einige Fehler behoben – Näheres im Changelog.


* Changed Title ID to not conflict with a game - this means you'll have to uninstall the old version of Anemone3DS after updating to v2.1.0.
* Fixed various bugs caused by an outdated libarchive version.
* Fixed various bugs related to previous caused by lodepng by switching to libpng.
* Fixed race condition in icon scrolling.
* Fixed screen tearing in the QR reader.
* Fixed bug caused by playing music even when there was no theme preview.
* Fixed it being possible to try to preview themes/splashes even when there were no themes or splashes.
* Fixed bug caused by attempting to play audio when dspfirm wasn't dumped.
* Fixed bug caused by attempting to install BGM for shuffle themes even when there was none.
* Fixed various bugs caused by not properly zeroing out files when creating them.
* Properly update the installed splash.

* Huge improvements to the QR code reader's speed. This is likely the fastest/smoothest it can possibly be (it's now on-par with QRaken and FBI) thanks to a combination of improved multithreading and switching graphics libraries.
* Speaking of switching graphics libraries, we've completely switched from pp2d to citro2d! This allowed us to get the QR code reader substantially faster, as well as guarantees full support for the library in the future. Huge thanks to LiquidFenrir for doing most of the work of the change.
* Switch to using spritesheets to load the sprites rather than just loading them all into the romfs.
* Don't wait for audio to finish loading before displaying the preview image, making previews display in the snappy fashion they used to before the audio player.
* Improved banner quality. Thanks to @TurdPooCharger for this!

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