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Atmosphère v0.14.4

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


Custom Firmware für die Nintendo Switch.

Mehrere Probleme mit dem "jit"-Systemmodul wurden behoben, was u.a. auch Abstürze in Super Mario 3D All-Stars behebt.

Da loader nicht aktualisiert wurde, sollten keine neuen Signatur-Patches vonnöten sein.

UPDATE: Einige Nutzer berichten von Problemen mit Sigpatches, also lieber doch noch abwarten.

UPDATE 2: Neue Signatur-Patches sind da.

* Several bugs were fixed involving the official jit sysmodule added in 10.0.0.
* * A Process handle leak was fixed when JitPlugin NRRs were registered with the ro sysmodule.
* * * This prevented processes using jit from being able to exit, causing a full system freeze.
* * The sm atmosphere extension to not unregister services when the server's connection is closed was special-case disabled for jit:u.
* * * This extension is normally desirable in order to allow more concurrent processes to exist (as only 0x40 sm connections may ever be concurrently open), but official jit sysmodule relies on the behavior.
* * * This would cause crashes on attempts to launch a program using jit services more than once per reboot.
* General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
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