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DIOS-MIOS Booter r28 —> r29 —> rev30

Wii, Wii: Update

FIX94 hat den DIOS-MIOS Booter aktualisiert!



-fixed autoboot Feature

-moved settings into a new folder, dm_booter, on device root -added titles.txt, on boot it will automatically write in all game titles, you can then modify them on your pc to the ones you want to have -added new no disc patch of dios mios 2.2

-changed default config of dm booter which will be used if no config is found



-improved HDD compatibility



-added DIOS-MIOS v2.1 compatility, you need to set the boot method to New (DM 2.1+) for it to work

-added the widescreen patch to the options, it only has effect on DM 2.1+, also the no disc patch only has effect on DM 2.0-, it will do nothing in DM 2.1+ since its enabled by default there


Quelle: GoogleCode

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