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DIOS-MIOS v2.2 (r22) & Devolution r94 —–> r104

Wii, Wii: Update

Es ist zwar keine neue Major-Version von DIOS-MIOS  erschienen, aber ich denke es ist eine News wert. Crediar hält offenbar gegen Devolution an und verdoppelt sein Arbeitstempo! Und tueidj hat Devolution aktualisiert! (Hm, 2 Konkurrenzprogramme in einer News, geht das denn gut?

Download DIOS-MIOS von GoogleCode

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Changelog für DIOS-MIOS:





We are still looking for competent contributors (JPN and 480p results especially) for our compatibility list ( http://crediar.no-ip.com/gc ) Please come to #DM on efnet if you want to help!

*Added a new DVDLowRead pattern (fixes Luigi’s Mansion USA and maybe other games)

*Made the DVDGetDriveStatus patch optional via a config since it broke some games (DML_CFG_NODISC) (fixes Prince of Persia:Sands of Time, Goblin Commander, King Kong, … )



*Fixed a bug which ignored the DML_CFG_PADHOOK setting and always patched PADHOOK (fixes PSO1&2)




– Fix Rayman Hoodlum Havoc; audio now plays and Murfy doesn’t act brain damaged
– Fix ISI crash in The Hobbit
– Fix tlbie crash in The Hobbit
– Fix audio for The Hobbit
– Fix BINK video playback speed for The Hobbit
– Fix memcard vendor ID query
– Log cosmetics
– Optimize VMEM handling when DSI is triggered by a store to an unmapped page

Die restlichen Changelogs können hier gesucht werden


Quellen: GoogleCode, GBATemp

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