Diese Version legt kein Overlay mehr über das Bild, sondern ändert die Farben über die GPU direkt.
Neu hinzugekommen sind außerdem Profile für "gedockt", "Handheld" und beide, Optionen für die Farbfilterung, Helligkeit, Gamma und feine Übergänge und ein Tesla-Overlay zum Konfigurieren.
This version is a pretty much complete rewrite that uses a better way of modifying colors (more detail on this can be found in the readme). This fixes the issue previous versions had, where dark colors were made more luminous, as well as makes it possible to introduce new options: * Color filtering: displays colors in nuances of a single component (red, green or blue) * Gamma setting: ~contrast * Luminance setting: can be used to reduce the brightness of the screen further * Smooth transitions * In addition, this removes the reliance on a layer, so that a Tesla overlay can be used to control these settings. Options have been reworked under "profiles", a collection of settings that can be applied independently to the external and internal display (docked and handheld, respectively), or both. Thus you can have different profiles adapted to certain games, or certain screens.