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Goldleaf v0.7.1

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update

9.0.0 wird jetzt unterstützt und Goldtree wurde durch Quark ersetzt. Es ist in Java geschrieben und steht deshalb auch für macOS und Linux bereit. Mindestens die Java Runtime 8u60 wird benötigt!

Die Konsoleninformationen wurden überarbeitet – unter anderem lassen sich ausstehende System-Updates jetzt löschen oder dumpen. Nachfolgend der ganze Changelog.



Signatur-Patches für Custom Firmware zur Installation von unsignierten NSPs und konvertierten XCIs.

* 9.0.0 support was added.
* Introducing a new, properly made PC client: Quark! (since Goldtree was made as quick as possible, I've wanted to remake it from scratch since 0.1...)
* * Quark is going to be Goldtree's new replacement.
* * It's Java and cross-platform, supporting Windows, Linux and Mac.
* * It has a fancy, Material-style UI, which you can interact with while USB is handled in the background.
* * Note that it's still experimental! You will need JRE/JDK 8u60 or higher to use it.
* Console information layout has been remade into a new layout, introducing some new cool and QoL features:
* * A new menu allows to view the current console update's version, plus an option to export it!
* * In case the console has a pending update downloaded (when the system auto-downloads an update) it can also be exported or removed, so that booting into Maintenance menu isn't neccessary to do so.
* * Updates can be exported in directory (to be later installed with Choi) or in NSP form.
* Title exporting
* * NSP generating code was rewritten from scratch, what might involve performance improvements.
* * Exported contents' directory was moved to /dump/title since update are exported to /dump/update.
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