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Joy-Con Toolkit v5.2.0

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update

CTCaer hat das Joy-Con Toolkit aktualisiert.


Während mit der Infrarot-Kamera gestreamed wird, lassen sich Einstellungen vornehmen, die auch sofort angewendet werden. Auch wurden viele weitere IR-Einstellungen hinzugefügt. Der Beschleunigungssensor lässt sich kalibrieren, genauso wie auch die Deadzone-Werte des Sticks. Näheres im Changelog.


Near Infrared Camera
* Add live configuration when streaming
* Add many new IR settings (de-noise, led intensity, strobe lights, etc)
* Change custom IR sensor registers
* Auto exposure mode (This is done manually, so it's experimental. Expect bugs).

User Calibration Editing
* Add Accelerometer/Gyroscope user calibration editing
* Add Stick device factory parameters editing. Helps when you have drifting issues, that can't be fixed by calibrating the stick. Just raise the deadzone value.

Debugging / Troubleshooting
Add 2 command line options:
* -d: Dumps the communication packets into a log text file
* -f: Forces the app to not check for connection again. Helps in some cases that the app reports that the controller was disconnected.

* Organize the IR/Playground/Calibration panels a little better
* Many bugfixes and optimizations

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