Diese Version behebt alles, was der vorherige Patch kaputt gemacht hat. So funktionieren Cheats und das Erzwingen der WLAN-Verbindung wieder. Aber auch ein Problem mit dem Debugger und der InputRedirection wurde behoben, die sich aufhingen, wenn keine Internetverbindung bestand.
* Fixed cheats not working at all (v10.1.1 regression) * Fixed WiFi forcing not working at all (v10.1.1 regression). Also fixed other related bugs, including the mishandling of non-reachable access points * Fixed a long-standing issue where the debugger and InputRedirection would hang for a long time and fail to recover if there was no internet * Fixed a long-standing issue where the console would take a long time to power off/reboot/firmlaunch if either the debugger or InputRedirection were left enabled. Please note that this still happens if both are left enabled at the same time