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Lunar Magic v2.31

Wii: Update , ,

Lunar Magic IconLunar Magic, der Super Mario World Level-Editor wurde aktualisiert. Es wird eine Super Mario World v1.0 ROM benötigt. Diese herunterzuladen ist aber illegal.


Ein Bug der letzten Version wurde behoben, bei der die Animation des Schalterpalastes die Weltkarte temporär korrumpiert hat. Ein paar weitere Fehler aus der letzten Version wurden auch noch behoben, beispielsweise Probleme mit dem Layer 3, dem Zoom und dem "Add Objects/Sprites" Fenster. Weiteres lesen Super Mario World Profis im Changelog nach.


Version 2.31 October 31, 2014
- fixed a bug from 2.30 where the flying switch blocks on the overworld that appear when you pass a switch palace would temporarily corrupt part of the overworld's animated tile GFX in the game as the RAM they use overlapped with the extra space that the new 4bpp tiles take up. The fix will be installed when the GFX/ExGFX are inserted. Thanks goes out to 33953YoShI for reporting this. 
- fixed a bug from 2.30 with the M16-7k dialog, where it wouldn't draw/behave correctly. 
- fixed a minor issue from 2.30 where the layer 3 CGADSUB checkbox would not always be disabled when it should be. Thanks goes out to Hinalyte for reporting this. 
- fixed a minor issue from 2.30 where if x2 zoom was already enabled in the Add Object/Sprite windows when the program was started, the list height was shorter than it should be. Thanks goes out to Underway for reporting this. 
- fixed a minor issue from 2.30 where closing the Add Objects/Sprites windows would not let you use the level history mouse gestures without having to hold down the Shift key. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for reporting this. 
- added the ability to set custom sprite appearances and tooltips in the editor based on the last 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits of the sprite's X and/or Y position. Check the help file for more info. 
- expanded the Map16 space for custom sprites in the editor from 8 to 0x10 pages. 
- tweaked the "Insert all Slots" button of the "Edit ExAnimated Frames" dialogs so that it will insert starting at the currently selected slot instead of always from the start.

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