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Lunar Magic v3.01

Wii: Update

Ein paar Fehler wurden behoben, u.a. einer, bei dem dem "No Yoshi"-Intro Tiles gefehlt haben und ein Problem mit dem Scrollen per Mausrad.

* fixed a bug from 3.00 where vertical levels with a "No Yoshi" intro would have tiles missing in the intro. Thanks goes out to Shiny Ninetales for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 3.00 where if there was only a horizontal scroll bar you couldn't use the scroll wheel to move objects backwards/forwards by one. Thanks goes out to Daizo Dee Von for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 2.41 where the warning for sprite 19 (display level message 1) could be triggered in level 0xC5 when using the "Import Multiple Levels from File" function. Thanks goes out to WhiteYoshiEgg for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug in the original game where if you placed Mario's starting position near the far right side of a horizontal level, the game would not set the initial X scroll position correctly.
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