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NUSspli Lite v1.142 -> v1.144

Wii U, Wii U: Update ,

NUSspli Lite

Erstklassiger WUP-Installer für die Wii U.

UPDATE, 16.12.23, 22:52 Uhr: v1.144 behebt weitere Fehler.

UPDATE, 15.12.23, 21:23 Uhr: v1.143 behebt noch einen weiteren Bug.

Die Änderungen findet ihr im Changelog.


📄 Move cfwError from stack to heap. ca6e8cb @V10lator
📄 Try to fix channel build. 0ef9930 @V10lator
📄 clang-format. 91aabaf @V10lator

📄 Fix RPXLoader_GetPathOfRunningExecutable() check. e7d498f @V10lator

📄 Build changelog based on commits 735e7da @Xpl0itU
📄 Fix cache cd35b08 @Xpl0itU
📄 Change fetch depth. da534ab @V10lator
📄 Experimental: Allow installation of no-intro sets. 821abbc @V10lator
📄 Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 31912e2 @dependabot-bot
📄 Merge pull request #259 from V10lator/dependabot/github_actions/actions/upload-artifact-4 f3627c4 @Xpl0itU
📄 Bump zlib from 79a0e44 to 643e17b bca6660 @dependabot-bot
📄 Deprecate static mem functions. b3ee89e @V10lator
📄 Add more debugging to environmeht checker. a63bd4f @V10lator
📄 Bump curl. 5296bf2 @V10lator
📄 WIP: Print CFW error on screen. 53b7482 @V10lator
📄 Finish last commit. bab2561 @V10lator

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