Die Homebrew funktioniert jetzt auf der Firmware 10.0.0/10.0.1 und ist in Deutsch verfügbar. Auch wurde ein Auto-Updater hinzugefügt, der einmal pro Tag auf eine neue Version prüft. Custom-Themes mit eigenen Farben und einem eigenen Hintergrundbild können nun angewendet werden. Das Bild muss in "/config/NX-Activity-Log/background.png" platziert werden und optimal 1280×720 Pixel groß sein.
Wird die User-Seite ersetzt, kann die Applikation auch mit "B", statt mit "HOME" beendet werden und nebenbei wurden noch einige kosmetische Fehler behoben.
* Added support for firmware 10.0.0 * Added support for other languages * * There are now 5 languages aside from English available. A huge thankyou to those who translated the app! * * These are: French, German, Italian, Portugese and Russian * * Game titles with Korean or Chinese characters are now shown correctly * Added ability to update within the app * * Once per day the app will automatically check for an update * * * A small download icon will be shown if an update is available * * The update can be performed by selecting 'Check for Updates' in Settings * Custom theme support * * An image can be set as the background by placing it at /config/NX-Activity-Log/background.png and toggling the option in Settings * * * If it is not 1280x720 it will be shrinked/stretched to fit the screen! * * Every colour used in the app can be customized * The language and theme can be changed/edited without needing to restart the app * Adjusted the behaviour when changing between view types * * For example, changing from 'By Month' to 'By Day' while the current month is shown will jump to the current date instead of the 1st * Improved User Page functionality * * The application can now be quit by pressing B when launched as the User Page * * Previously it had to be quit by pressing HOME * Various UI Improvements: * * Multi-line text is no longer 'squished' together, making it easier to read * * Korean and Chinese characters are now rendered correctly * * Reduced freeze when changing between some screens due to some elements being drawn twice * General stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.