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RiiConnect24 Patcher v1.2.2

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Dieses Update beschleunigt den Patching- und Homebrew-Download-Prozess etwas und integriert wad2bin zum einfachen Installieren von WADs direkt auf die SD-Karte der Wii/Wii U.

* Made patching process a little quicker.
* You can now install WAD channels directly to the SD Card itself! You can now install 150 channels in few minutes. The patcher will guide you through the entire process!
* * All thanks to DarkMatterCore!
* The "Homebrew Shop" will now check if the specified app is on the server faster.
* Deleted the "Close patcher and delete all temporary files" option. It would delete the keys needed by the new feature.
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