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RiiConnect24 Patcher v1.4.0 bringt den Wetterkanal auf die Wii U -> v1.4.0.3

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

UPDATE: v1.4.0.1 bis v1.4.0.3 beheben einige Fehler.

Der Wetterkanal funktioniert jetzt wieder im Wii-Modus der Wii U! Auch wurde der Wiimmfi-Patcher behoben.

* We can now patch Forecast Channel on Wii U.
* Wiimmfi Patcher's have been fixed. This includes:
* * Checking if the game is actually there.
* * Copying games.
* * Checking if the patching has been successful or not.
* * You can now read the output of the patcher in case anything goes wrong.
* * You can now choose if you want to make a backup of the original games.
* * Fixed a bug where it could enter a bad path and break things.
* Fixed an issue where text sometimes would be incorrectly displayed on the error screen.
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