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Swiss v0.4 r599

Wii, Wii: Update ,

Diese Version fügt mehr Video-Patches und die Option zum Invertieren des Kamera-Sticks in einigen Spielen hinzu, verbessert die Kompatibilität mit dem "In-Game-Reset"-Feature und unterstützt die Game Boy Player Start-Up-Disc von Geräten wie dem SD Gecko. Wenn "Y" gedrückt wird, lassen sich für einige Optionen auch Beschreibungen einblenden!


@Extrems commits:
* Support read patches for Game Boy Player Start-up Disc.
* Find VIInit.
* Patch ImportAdjustingValues.
* Rewrite force text encoding.
* Add game-specific patch for X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse.
* Add game-specific patch for X-Men Legends.
* Add game-specific patch for Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly.
* Fix invert camera stick with missing PADInit.
* Add game-specific patch for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
* Add game-specific patch for Animal Crossing.
* Fix NES emulator in 480p.
* Add help for force vertical offset.
* Support VIConfigurePanD.
* Add invert camera stick.
* Rewrite IGR hooking.
* Move VIConfigurePan hook past barrier.
* Fix off-by-one error in function length.
* Find GXAdjustForOverscan before GXSetDispCopySrc.
* Find GXCopyDisp after GXSetDispCopyGamma.
* Add GXAdjustForOverscan signature for Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, Mario Power Tennis.
* Add basic branch tracking.
* Clarify missing component cable.
* Fix unnecessary setFbbRegs patch.
* Patch VISetBlack.
* Support PAL-M in-game, again, when not forced.
* Fix force vertical offset.

@emukidid commits:
* Fix DVD FST parsing when reading from real discs
* Add file specific patching
* Tidy up more common code in gcm.c
* Consolidate some common FST read code
* Set default config device to the first writeable device if not yet set (at boot)
* Expand on settings on-screen help/descriptions
* WIP tooltips on the settings screen

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