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sys-con v0.6.0

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


Ermöglicht die Verwendung von Dritt-Controllern (Xbox, Dualshock) ohne jegliche Zusatzsoftware.

Diese Version behebt einige Abstürze, Freezes und Probleme mit Disconnects. Auch werden mehr als 2-3 Controller wieder korrekt erkannt.

* The sysmodule codebase has been rewritten to use libstratosphere.
* * This will make it easier in the future to allow other homebrew to directly communicate with sys-con.
* * The code now also looks a little bit cleaner :)
* Fixed an issue introduced by v0.5.2 causing the system to completely freeze when left in sleep mode with a controller plugged in.
* Fixed an issue introduced by v0.5.2 causing sys-con to not recognize more than 2-3 controllers simultaneously.
* (Hopefully) fixed an issue causing controllers to be no longer recognized until sys-con is restarted.
* * This was caused by sys-con randomly losing the USB handle, rendering the USB side of sys-con completely useless.
* (Hopefully) fixed an issue causing the system to freeze when a controller is disconnected.

Note: This is the last release of sys-con that can still be enabled and disabled directly through Kosmos Toolbox without rebooting the console. All later versions will require a reboot.
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