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sys-ftpd-light v1.0.3

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


FTP-Server für die Nintendo Switch, der per Tastenkombination aktiviert werden kann.

Abstürze mit zu vielen Systemmodulen wurden behoben und das LED-Licht des Controllers etwas angepasst – beispielsweise leuchtet dieses nur noch für den ersten Spieler.

* Reduced FS sessions used by the sysmodule from 3 to 1
* * This might have caused FS to run out of sessions and crash the system if you had too many sysmodules enabled.
* Fixed LED lights staying enabled permanently on controllers with old firmware.
* LED now only lights up for the main player only.
* When pressing the pause button combo to pause the server, the LED will light up in a "double click" pattern.
* When doing the same to unpause the server, the LED will light up in a single long "resume" pattern.
* * This is to make up for the fact that there was no indication if the server gets actually paused or not.
* Changed the response format for PASV command for compatibility with some FTP clients.
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