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The Homebrew Filter rev40

Wii, Wii: Update


Ähhh…  setialpha hat den Homebrew Filter aktualisiert…



  • new icon (JoostinOnline)
  • catalan language downloadble (Adrián Laviós)
  • added support for SD-Gecko (both Slot A and B, no hot-plugging)
  • fixed a regression from rev39. <no_ios_reload> is now
  • treated correctly (makes WiiMC properly detect HDD)
  • fixed a regression from rev37. don’t loop three times when selected storage device is DVD
  • added <force_no_ios_reload/> support, for testing purposes
  • fixed clean rule in main/Makefile
  • add 'Restart HBF' option to exit prompt
  • renamed 'external loaders' prompt to 'external applications'
  • add 'Start SE GUI' option to external applications prompt must be :/apps/SettingsEditorGUI/boot.dol on any device (all sd, usb, dvd, sd gecko a and sd gecko b supported). Now SettingsEditorGUI is now longer shown in the Homebrew-list
  • remove back button from exit prompt (press B/HOME to go back)
  • fixed a bug in online-updates (if online-update fails, simply boot 'The HomebrewFilter Installer', the updated  boot.dol is already saved on your SD-Card (or USB-HDD)) — future online-updates will work normally again.
  • – For theme designers: the following new icons have been added:
    • gca_active (device menu)
    • gca_inactive (device menu)
    • gcb_active (device menu)
    • gcb_inactive (device menu)
    • choice_large (not new, but wider now)


via HomebrewFilter Selbstaktualisierung

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