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To our american readers: BASICSploit released

3DS, 3DS: Neu , ,

SmileBasicBASICSploit, the primary 3DS homebrew exploit was released by Nba_Yoh today. He announced the exploit for the game SmileBasic earlier this week.

An unsere deutschen Freunde: SmileBASIC gibt es leider nur in den USA!


The exploit is a primary exploit, which means, that it will work without any other game. If you need homebrew access on the latest firmware, download SmileBasic from the eShop now! Note that downgrading and such is not possible on firmware 11.0.0-33.

To find out how to install this exploit, click the download link above. Note that this exploit only works with v3.2.1 of SmileBASIC at the moment.

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