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Wii U Time Sync v2.1.0

Wii U, Wii U: Update

Wii U Time Sync

Synchronisiert die Uhr der Wii U mit dem Internet.

Die "Vorschau"-Option wurde stark überarbeitet und zeigt nun auch die Verbindungsdetails für jeden eingestellten NTP-Server an. Zudem wurde eine neue Option "Detect Timezone" hinzugefügt, mit der die aktuelle Zeitzone automatisch anhand der IP-Adresse eingestellt wird.


* even more refactoring of Wii U Time Sync was done behind the scenes, based again on the excellent work of @dkosmari! (Thank you, @dkosmari!)
** The Preview screen was heavily improved, showing not only the system's current time, but also connection details of each configured NTP server, including the correction and latency statistics.
*** This screen does not refresh automatically. To refresh the screen, press A on the Clock button.
** The timezone can now be fetched using the new Detect Timezone option. By pressing this button, your console will connect to the Internet and use the IP Geolocation API to adjust your Hours Offset and Minutes Offset to match the detected timezone.
*** This is entirely optional, and you can still set the offsets manually if you prefer.
** Many smaller, technical things behind the scenes were changed, including (but not limited to) NTP protocol handling and addressing the NTPv4 wraparound of 2036.
* Some elements in the Configuration menu have been renamed, such as Time Offset (hours) and Time Offset (minutes) to Hours Offset and Minutes Offset.

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