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Wii U Time Sync v3.1.0

Wii U, Wii U: Update

Wii U Time Sync

Synchronisiert die Uhr der Wii U mit dem Internet.

Die API, die verwendet wird, um die aktuelle Zeitzone zu erkennen, kann jetzt geändert werden – dafür stehen drei Dienste zur Auswahl. Ferner lässt sich ein Timeout einstellen.

* Wii U Time Sync can now utilize some more services in order to fetch the time offset most accurate to you. The Detect Time Zone setting now allows you to pick from three different APIs to sync your clock with. (Thank you, @dkosmari!)
** If you find yourself having issues with one service, you can always try another.
** http://ip-api.com (the one that was used prior to this release)
** https://ipwho.is
** https://ipapi.co
* You can now configure how long to wait for a connection before timing out using the Timeout setting.
** The default setting is 5 s, a change from the previously hardcoded 4 seconds. You can set this from anything between 1 second and 10 seconds.
* Some refactoring was done behind-the-scenes to depend on libcurlwrapper, which reduces the binary size to under 50% of what it was in the previous release. (Thank you, @dkosmari!)
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