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Wiimms SZS Tools v1.14a r4274

Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Wiimm hat auch seine SZS Tools aktualisiert.


 - wkmpt CHECK (and all commands calling this function internally):
   4 new tests for sections CKPH, ENPH and ITPH:
    - The section must not be empty (WARNING).
    - Only ITPH: The first 'next' link must be valid (WARNING).
    - Each group must have at least one valid 'next' link (WARNING).
    - Each group must have at least one valid 'prev' link (HINT).
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wkmpt/check#testlist for all tests.

 - Option --kcl-script can now be used multiple times to execute multiple
   kcl script in the entered order.

 - Two new parser functions to identify the source within a script: isKCL()
   and isKMP(). Both functions return 0 for false, 1 for true or 2 for true,
   if the source is named 'course.*' (main KCL/KMP file).

via Wiimm.de Mit einem Klick auf diesen Link verlässt du die WiiDatabase

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